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(813) 831-7300
4644 W Gandy Blvd
Tampa, Florida 33611‎

iPad / iPhone
            LCD Repair

Added 8/26/2013

LCD RepairDo you have a damaged LCD? Whether your device is an iPhone or an iPad, Retina or an early model, perhaps the most important part of your mobile device is the LCD.

Now some of you out there might be thinking "I've got a Retina display, not an LCD..." But what you might not realize is that if your iPhone 5 or iPad 3 has a Retina display, that display is still LCD. Retina is just Apple's way of telling you that it's the BEST LCD available. So if your iPad Retina has a cracked display, dead pixels, missing colors or any other problem, those are still LCD problems and you need to have it repaired.

We offer the BEST SERVICE and the HIGHEST QUALITY REPAIRS in the Tampa Area. Whether it's repairing a broken LCD, replacing the digitizer or simply fixing some scratches on your case... MacRepairAppleRepairTampa.com is here to help.

Now fixing the LCD on your iPhone, iPhone 4, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPhone 3, iPhone Retina and other idevices isn't an easy task. You may be able to find the parts on Ebay, get them shipped from Hong Kong and find some tutorial on how to do it yourself, this doesn't mean it's easy or that you should try it. Remember, this is an expensive piece of electronics that you have made an integral part of your daily routine, and the odds are that if you try to make a repair yourself you are going to cause more damage then when you had started.

So trust your local experts to get your screen fixed, LCD repaired, and to get your iPhone connected and working again. Contact MacRepairAppleRepairTampa.com today!

WE SERVICE ALL MODELS of iPhones, iPads, iPad Minis, iPod Touchs and iPod Nanos!


iPhone 3 iPhone 2 iPhone 3GS iPAD 2 iPhone 5 iPhone 4S iPAD 3 iPhone Repair LCD Repair